Commercial Lease Evictions: What Do Florida Landlords (and Tenants) Need to Know?

With record inflation and fears of an economic recession causing financial problems for all types of businesses, commercial lease evictions are on the rise. While commercial tenants do not enjoy all of the same statutory protections as residential tenants in Florida, the Florida Statutes still impose certain restrictions on when commercial lessors can evict (or “remove”) tenants that are in default. Here is an overview of what Florida landlords (and tenants) need to know about commercial lease evictions:

Restrictions on Commercial Lease Evictions Under Florida Law

Many commercial lessors are surprised to learn that Florida law restricts their ability to evict tenants that are in default. While many lawyers draft their clients’ commercial lease agreements to reflect Florida’s statutory restrictions, before evicting their tenants, commercial lessors should ensure that they are complying with all applicable statutory requirements—as prematurely initiating eviction proceedings is almost certain to lead to litigation.

The statutory requirements for commercial lease evictions are set forth in Section 83.20 of the Florida Statutes. Specifically, Section 83.20 establishes mandatory notice periods with which commercial lessors must comply before a lessee “may be removed from the premises”:

The only circumstance in which a statutory time restriction does not apply to a commercial lessor’s right to evict is when a lessee holds over following the expiration of the parties’ agreed lease term. In this scenario, Section 83.20 provides that the lessor may initiate eviction proceedings immediately.

The written notice requirements in Section 83.20 establish the minimum notice periods for commercial lease evictions in Florida. If a commercial lease establishes a longer cure period (i.e., a seven-day cure period for nonpayment of rent), the lessor must still comply with the terms of the lease prior to evicting.

Common Grounds for Commercial Lease Evictions

Commercial lessors can pursue evictions under various circumstances. As referenced in Section 83.20, evictions typically fall into one of three categories: (i) evictions for holding over post-expiration; (ii) evictions for non-payment of rent; and (iii) evictions for failure to cure other material breaches. Some examples of common grounds for lease evictions that fall into this third category include:

Commercial Lease Evictions Often Lead to Litigation

To initiate eviction proceedings, commercial lessors in Florida must file an unlawful detainer complaint in the appropriate state court. The tenant then has the right to respond and raise any objections to the lessor’s stated grounds for removal. As a result—and as you might expect—commercial lease eviction proceedings often lead to litigation between the lessor and lessee.

Commercial lessors can mitigate their risk of eviction litigation by planning ahead. By strictly complying with the terms of the lease and the requirements of Section 83.20 and by anticipating any issues the tenant may raise in court, lessors can avoid unnecessary litigation in many cases. However, tenants may still seek to use the eviction process strategically to negotiate a settlement that limits their liability. Both parties must carefully consider their opportunities and risks, and they must pursue the eviction litigation strategies that make the most sense in light of the realities at hand.

What Does Your Company’s Lease Say About Default, Cure Rights and Removal?

If your company needs to evict a commercial tenant, or if you are a commercial tenant facing removal, what should you do? At this point, your next step is to review the relevant terms of your lease. Some of the key issues that require consideration include:

Speak with a Commercial Real Estate Attorney in Confidence

If you have questions about your company’s legal rights as a commercial lessor or tenant in Florida, we are happy to help you understand your company’s options and choose the best path forward. To speak with a commercial real estate attorney at Edelboim Lieberman in confidence, please call 305-768-9909 or request an appointment online today.

By Edelboim Lieberman | Posted on June 24, 2022
