How to Install IBM i ACS (Access Client Solutions)

Download, Install IBM i ACS (Access Client Solutions)

IBM-i ACS is JAVA based, so it can be installed on Windows, MAC & Linux devices. The legacy IBM Client Access is no longer supported. IBM Client Access & ACS can both be installed on the same PC and live quite happily next to each other.

So what are you waiting for?

ACS Standalone install

By far the easiest way to use IBM i ACS is to simply unzip it to a folder of your choice and then run the ACSBUNDLE jar file:

acs bundle java executeable

Once you have downloaded and unzipped, simply double click ACSBUNDLE and launch IBM i ACS immediately

I really like this standalone technique because its easy to roll out to other users and even easier to update - simply copy the new version over the top.

Having said that, IBM recommend a full install because it adds shortcuts and also copies the files to IBM's preferred locations in your PC.

So, if you really want to be a good boy/girl then follow these instructions:

Full Install


Java™ is the world's leading programming language and platform ACS is compatible with the newest versions of Java. Java will have to be installed on most Windows machines - you have a few choices for Java runtime installs (these will allow any Java applications to run on your machine)