Timeshare resale contract template

Timeshare resale contract template page 2

Buyer shal l have the rig ht to t he next use of t he unit or the right of renta l there of. Sub ject to the fol lowing:

1. Current ma intenance fees e tc for 20 xx have been paid and Buyer wil l not reimburse Selle r. 2. Current ma intenance fees e tc for 20 xx have not been paid and Buyer will pay for same.

3. Current r eal est ate ta xes for 20 xx have not been paid and Seller will pay $ xxx as an agreed upon value.

4. Real est ate t axes for 20 xx have not been paid and Buyer will pay for same.

5. Any Hyatt Residen ce Club Poin ts remai ning in Seller’s H R C account as of the Contract Date are transferred

If the use rights are assigned to Buyer and Seller fails to provide the neces sary facilitation for use to Buyer, Seller

authorizes the applicable (maintenance etc.) fees be deducted from the proceeds otherwise due.

Each owner is personall y liable for the pa yment of his /her asse ssments for common expenses, and fail ure to ti mely pay

these assessme nts may result in r estrictions or loss of u se and/or owne rship rights.

There are many important documents rel ating to the times hare plan which you shoul d review upon purchasing a

timeshare period , including the dec laration of condom inium or co venants and restrictions; the association arti cles and

bylaws; the current yea r’s operating and res erve budget; and any rul es and regulations af fecting the use of timeshare

plan accommodations and facili ties.

Sellers’ obl igation is conditioned upon Hya tt Residen ce Club not exercis ing its right of firs t refus al. T his Contr act will

be submitted to Hyatt and Hyatt will have thi rty (30) days in which to decide whether or not to exercise it s right of first

refusal. If Hyatt exercises its right of first ref usal, then this Contract shall be nul l and void and the Ear nest Money