Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form

Understand the purpose of a professional counseling informed consent form, and download a free PDF and example for your practice.

By Liliana Braun on Aug 06, 2024.

Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form PDF Example

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What is a Counseling Informed Consent Form?

When providing counseling services, patient consent is of the utmost importance. Counselors must ensure patients understand their rights and have informed consent before entering a therapeutic relationship. This not only enables counselors to provide the best possible care, but it also protects both the counselor and the patient from potential legal issues down the line.

To help facilitate this process, counselors should always have a handy. This form is designed to provide transparent information about the counseling services and the rights of both patient and counselor.

By signing this document, the patient and counselor agree to abide by its rules and regulations, creating an ethical and legally binding agreement.

PDF Template Example PDF

Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form Template

Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form PDF Example

Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form Example

Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form PDF Example

How does this Counseling Informed Consent Form work?

This free Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form is designed with pre-filled details about the patient, counselor, and services provided. All parties must sign the form to affirm that they understand and accept its contents. Follow these steps to get started:

Step One: Download the form

Get a copy of the free Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form using the link provided on this page. You can also access it within the Carepatron app.

Step Two: Hand your patient a copy

You can print the form and give your patient a copy or send a digital format to your patient via email.

Step Three: Obtain informed consent

Explain the form and contents in detail, ensuring your patient understands their rights and agrees to the terms.

Step Four: Sign the form

Once all parties have read, understood, and accepted the terms of the form, sign it to create a legally binding agreement.

Step Five: Secure the agreement

Keep a physical or digital copy of the signed form in your records for future reference. Store it in a safe location or a compliant digital platform.

When to use an Informed Consent Form for Counseling?

It is essential to have a Counseling Informed Consent Form for each new patient, as it helps protect both parties from potential legal issues. You can also use this form if or when:

You want to make changes to the services you're providing

A Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form helps you clearly articulate the changes to your patient, ensuring they understand and agree before proceeding.

You're introducing new forms of treatment or technology

This form helps both parties understand new treatment methods, techniques, and/or technologies. It can also outline any risks associated with them.

You need to disclose possible risks or side effects

Using this form to disclose any risks or side effects related to counseling services helps you protect yourself and your patient.

You want your patient to understand payment and cancellation policies

The form lets you explain your payment and cancellation policies, including late fees or other charges. This helps ensure that your patient understands the expectations.

Who is this printable Counseling Informed Consent Form PDF for?

This free Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form is designed for mental health professionals, such as:

Clinical Documentation Software

You can also use the Counseling Informed Consent Form template to ensure clients fully understand their rights and the nature of the therapy process. This template helps establish clear boundaries and expectations, fostering a transparent and ethical therapeutic relationship.

Benefits of Free Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form

Using this free Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form provides many benefits, such as:

It creates a legally binding agreement

This form helps protect both parties from potential legal issues by creating a legally binding agreement that outlines the counseling services provided. It also ensures that you and your patient are on the same page and clearly understand what is expected from each party.

It helps protect your rights as a counselor

This form helps ensure that your rights are respected and that any changes to the agreement are clearly communicated.

It's fully digital

This form is available in a printable digital format. It's easy to store and access. You can also share a copy of the form with your patient anytime, anywhere.

It's easy to use

This free Professional Counseling Informed Consent Form is simple to use. It's designed to be completed quickly and easily, so you don't have to worry about any technical jargon or complicated process.

It's time-saving

It's pre-filled with all the necessary information, so you don't have to create your own form from scratch. This saves time and effort, making it more convenient for you and your patient.