Private Tree Permit Applications

P & A provides consulting services and reporting for tree permit applications in cities and municipalities throughout Southern Ontario.

To protect the health of an urban forest, many cities and municipalities have enacted private tree protection by-laws to prevent the unregulated removal of trees from private property. These by-laws are in place to help preserve our trees and increase environmental awareness throughout our cities and private properties.

Private Tree Permit Applications

If you are considering removing a tree and have a private property tree protection by-law in your city or municipality, you will need to apply for a tree permit. We help you with the permit application process and ensure that your mapping, tree information, and property information are all correct and complete to apply successfully.

In our tree permit arborist reports, we include all the information that you will need for your tree permit application. We provide unbiased information and reporting to ensure you are receiving the most accurate information and recommendations.

We also offer these other reporting services for your convenience:

Contact us if you have further requirements for reporting or consulting. We are qualified to help!

Private Tree By-Law Permit Application in Toronto

Toronto’s Private Tree Protection By-Law (City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 813, Article III) regulates the injury or removal of privately-owned trees which measure 30 cm in diameter or more as measured at 1.4 m above ground level.

If you want to submit an application to remove a tree on private property under this by-law, you must present an arborist report. This unbiased and professional report is required by the City to ensure that the proper steps have been taken and information presented properly in the application.

Contact P & A for Tree Permit Applications, Reports, and Consulting

P & A provides a certified arborist (ISA Certified Arborist, ON-2067A) to complete all consulting and reporting required for a tree permit application.

If you need a tree permit for work on your property, we can provide tree permit reports and consulting to assist in the application process to your city or municipality. We have experience with private tree permit applications throughout Southern Ontario.

Contact us for tree permit applications today!